Rayto RAC-2800 auto coagulation analyzer
- Automatic, Random Access
- Clotting, Chromogenic, Immunology
measuring methods
- 400 tests/hour for PT
- 400 tests/hour for D-Dimer
- Autoloader for cuvettes
- User-friend operation software
- Bi-direction LIS system
- STAT sample priority
- Reagent open system, close system on request
- Barcode-reading for sample and regent (Optional)
Technical Specifications
- 400 tests/hour for PT
- 400 tests/hour for D-Dimer
- 100 samples/hour for PT, APTT, TT and FIB
- 65 samples/hour for PT, APTT, TT, FIB,
D-Dimer and FDP
- Clotting Method: PT, APTT, TT, FIB, etc.
- Chromogenic Method: AT-III, PLG, α2-AP,
PC, Heparin, etc.
- Immunologic Method: D-Dimer, FDP, etc